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Ethical Concerns and Dilemmas in Government and Private Institutions

Ethical Concerns and Dilemmas in Government and Private Institutions



Public institutions might face ethical issues and concerns if the actions or decisions of the people working there are not in sync with the values, vision, or principles expected in the Public sector domain. 


Some of the common ethical concerns facing the public sector are as follows:


  • Administrative Judgment

A public official has the opportunity to use his judgment within the confines of established norms and regulations. The issue arises when the public official opts for a course of action based on their personal preference, political influence, or other affiliations. 

  • Corruption

In the public sector domain, corruption refers to misusing the power of position for financial or personal benefits. It can take place in many forms, such as nepotism, bribery, fraud, embezzlement, etc. Corruption in the public sector can have serious implications for the individual, society, and organization. It can come in the way of economic development and hamper people’s trust in the Government, along with causing political and social instability. Resources might get corruptly distributed, impacting disadvantaged groups.

  • Administrative Secrecy

Also known as official or state secrecy, it is the practice of keeping certain activities or information within the government secret. It is a matter of concern as administrative secrecy can be used to hide certain wrong practices or misuse of power, affecting transparency. It can lead to restricted access to information pertaining to public health, environmental impacts, or government decision-making. 

  • Nepotism

Nepotism is a common practice of favouritism based on personal relationships with the individual. It happens when a public official promotes, hires, or favours someone on the basis of personal relationships instead of considering the qualifications or eligibility of the candidates. 

  • Information Leaks

Information leaks can be a huge concern in public institutions as they compromise the confidentiality and security of sensitive documents or information related to national security, personal data, etc. Information leaks can impact people’s trust in the Government and cause political and social issues nationwide. 


Ethical Concerns in Private Sector Institutions

Ethics refer to moral standards that guide an organization’s decisions in a private institute. 

  1. Ethical Concerns Related to Employees
  • Working in more than one company at a time is ethically not permitted. 
  • Failing to keep up with the company’s privacy policy by divulging confidential information to rival businesses. 
  • The use of offensive language in the workplace is not permitted. 
  • Incorrect use of office equipment for personal purposes.
  • Making unethical use of travel incentives.
  • Taking more leaves than permitted. 


  1. Ethical Concerns Related to Employers
  • Favouritism is where the employers give preference in the form of promotions and bonuses to a specific employee.
  • Sexual assault in any form is unethical and not permitted.
  • Firing an employee without giving them any notice.
  • Unnecessary delay in the payment of provident fund and employee’s gratuity.


Taking Credit for Other’s Work

Employees work in a team and collaborate to produce effective services and goods or come up with great marketing initiatives. It is rarely a result of equal contribution from all team members. Taking undue credit for other’s work is unethical. 



Harassment, be it sexual, verbal, or emotional, is not permitted in any organization. Sometimes, the victim or co-workers are clueless or afraid of reporting the harassment to a superior as they fear losing their job. 



Transparency is an important ethical concern in the private sector as it helps build trust and confidence in the organization. It also ensures that the stakeholders receive the required information to make decisions about their association with the organization. 


Quality of Product/ Service

Offering quality that lacks the desired standards and what the company promises is considered an immoral practice. 


Ethical Dilemmas in Government and Private Institutions

Ethical dilemmas are situations where organizations or individuals experience conflicting moral choices and are confused about what action to take. Ethical dilemmas can arise in both the private and public sectors. Some of the ethical dilemmas are as follows:


  • Conflict of Interest

In this case, an individual’s relations or interests conflict with their responsibilities in an organization. A public sector employee might witness an ethical dilemma when asked to make a decision that benefits a friend or a family member. 

  • Transparency v/s Confidentiality

Public or private institutions might face dilemma while deciding if they should disclose sensitive information or keep it confidential. For example, a private company might face an ethical dilemma when determining if they must share information regarding a product defect that might harm potential customers. 

  • Individual Interest v/s Collective Interests

Ethical dilemmas can also arise in situations when an individual needs to decide if they must act in their personal interest or think about the interest of the larger group. For example, a private company might face a dilemma about a business opportunity that might benefit the company but potentially harm the community or surroundings. 

  • Rights v/s Responsibilities

Ethical dilemmas arise when an organization or individual needs to choose between conflicting responsibilities and rights. For example, a public official might face a moral dilemma while deciding to prioritize the right to privacy of an individual or the responsibility of protecting public safety. 


Principles Used in Resolving Ethical Dilemmas


  • Respecting the Autonomy

This principle consists of respecting the decision-making ability of individuals and their right to freedom to make choices about their lives. 

  • Non- maleficence

This principle revolves around avoiding actions that might harm others or cause suffering. 

  • Beneficence

The principle is about taking positive actions for the well-being of others. 

  • Justice

The principle believes in treating every individual equally and fairly. 

  • Respect for People

This principle is about respecting the dignity and worth of each individual.

  • Fidelity

It revolves around being loyal and faithful to their principles, commitment, and values. 

  • Veracity

This principle promotes the values of truthfulness and honesty.


These principles can help in resolving ethical dilemmas. It enables individuals and organizations to make decisions aligned with values and protect the interests and rights of the stakeholders. It might be necessary to weigh the significance of various principles while deciding an ethical dilemma. 

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