


The Planning Commission of India was an influential and autonomous body responsible for formulating and overseeing economic policies and development plans in India. It played a central role in guiding the country's economic development from its establishment in 1950 until it was dissolved in 2014. The Planning Commission was set up under the chairmanship of India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and continued to operate under different Prime Ministers over the years. Here are some key points about the Planning Commission:


  1. Economic Planning: The primary objective of the Planning Commission was to engage in economic planning for the country. It was tasked with formulating Five-Year Plans to guide India's economic development.

  2. Resource Allocation: The Commission played a crucial role in allocating resources among different sectors and regions of the country to achieve specific development goals outlined in the Five-Year Plans.

  3. Promotion of Development: It focused on promoting economic growth, reducing poverty, and addressing social and regional disparities. The Planning Commission aimed to balance development across sectors and states.

  4. Policy Formulation: The Commission was involved in policy formulation in various sectors, including agriculture, industry, infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Key Functions:

  1. Five-Year Plans: The Planning Commission formulated Five-Year Plans that set targets and priorities for different sectors of the economy. These plans outlined strategies for resource allocation and development initiatives.

  2. Evaluation and Monitoring: It monitored the implementation of various development programs and projects to assess their progress and effectiveness. Regular evaluations were conducted to determine the outcomes of policies and projects.

  3. Allocation of Funds: The Commission allocated funds to states and Union territories based on their specific needs and development requirements. It also oversaw the use of these funds.

  4. Coordination: The Planning Commission played a coordinating role between the central government and state governments, helping to ensure that development initiatives were carried out efficiently and consistently.

  5. Special Programs: The Commission initiated special programs to address specific issues, such as poverty alleviation, rural development, and employment generation.

Dissolution and Replacement:

In 2014, the Planning Commission was dissolved by the government, and a new institution called the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) was established in its place. NITI Aayog has a different structure and approach, emphasizing cooperative federalism, decentralization, and a more flexible and collaborative approach to policy and development planning.

The Planning Commission had a significant impact on India's economic and social development during its existence. While it faced criticisms and debates over its effectiveness and relevance, it played a central role in guiding the country's development strategies for several decades.

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