

What is Coding & Decoding?

Coding and decoding are processes within the domain of logical reasoning and puzzles, often found in competitive exams and aptitude tests. These tasks involve transforming a given message or information using specific rules or patterns.


  • Coding is the process of converting a message or information into a different form or language based on a given rule or pattern.
  • It involves substituting letters, numbers, or symbols in a particular sequence or manner as per the given instructions.
  • The goal is to encode the information according to the specified rule.


  • Decoding is the reverse process of coding. It involves interpreting or translating an encoded message back to its original form using the same rule or pattern.
  • The task is to understand the given rule and apply it in reverse to decipher the encoded information.


For instance, a coding rule might instruct to replace every letter with the one following it in the alphabet. If 'A' becomes 'B', 'B' becomes 'C', and so on.

  • Coding: "HELLO" might become "IFMMP" following the rule (H → I, E → F, L → M, O → P).
  • Decoding: To decipher "IFMMP" back to "HELLO," simply reverse the process by going one letter back in the alphabet for each character
Position Value and Alphabet Letters  (Forward & Backward Direction)
Letter Positional Value Decimal Value (ASCII)
A 1 65
B 2 66
C 3 67
D 4 68
E 5 69
F 6 70
G 7 71
H 8 72
I 9 73
J 10 74
K 11 75
L 12 76
M 13 77
N 14 78
O 15 79
P 16 80
Q 17 81
R 18 82
S 19 83
T 20 84
U 21 85
V 22 86
W 23 87
X 24 88
Y 25 89
Z 26 90
Letter Forward Positional Value Backward Positional Value
A 1 26
B 2 25
C 3 24
D 4 23
E 5 22
F 6 21
G 7 20
H 8 19
I 9 18
J 10 17
K 11 16
L 12 15
M 13 14
N 14 13
O 15 12
P 16 11
Q 17 10
R 18 9
S 19 8
T 20 7
U 21 6
V 22 5
W 23 4
X 24 3
Y 25 2
Z 26 1
Table indicates each alphabet's position in the English alphabet, starting with 'A' having a positional value of 1 and 'Z' with a positional value of 26. Understanding these positional values is essential in various tasks involving coding, decoding, and other logical reasoning exercise
Types of Coding Decoding Questions

1.Letter Shifting/Alphabet Coding:

  • Type: Substituting each letter of a word or phrase with a letter that appears a certain number of positions later or earlier in the alphabet.
  • Example: "CAT" becomes "FED" by shifting each letter three positions forward (C → F, A → E, T → D).

2. Number Coding:

  • Type: Replacing letters in a word with numerical values based on their positions in the alphabet.
  • Example: "HELLO" might be coded as "85121215" (H → 8, E → 5, L → 12, O → 15).

3. Symbol/Substitution Coding:

  • Type: Substituting letters, numbers, or symbols based on predefined rules or patterns.
  • Example: A circle represents a vowel, a square represents a consonant, or specific symbols denote particular letters.

4. Mixed Coding:

  • Type: Combining different coding rules in a single question to encode or decode a message.
  • Example: Using both letter shifting and number substitution rules within the same code.

5. Mathematical Operations Coding:

  • Type: Applying mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) to each letter/number in a given word or phrase.
  • Example: "APPLE" might become "CRRNG" by adding two to each letter (A + 2 = C, P + 2 = R, etc.).

6. Conditional Coding:

  • Type: Coding/decoding based on specific conditions, like conditional statements, positional arrangements, or logical sequences.
  • Example: Encoding or decoding based on the positions of vowels, consonants, or alternate letters.

7. Passage Coding/Decoding:

  • Type: Coding or decoding a passage where rules for substitution, rearrangement, or transformation are provided.
  • Example: Replacing certain words or letters according to a given rule or pattern within a paragraph or sentence.

8. Analogy-Based Coding:

  • Type: Establishing relationships between words and using those relationships to encode or decode.
  • Example: If "Sun" is coded as "21", "Moon" might be coded as "253".

9. Sentence Coding:

  • Type: Coding entire sentences based on specific rules applied to each word or to the sentence as a whole.
  • Example: Rearranging words or substituting them with numbers/symbols according to predefined rules.
How to Solve Coding Decoding Questions in Reasoning– Tips and Tricks 

1. Understand the Coding Rule:

  • Analyze the Pattern: Identify the rule or pattern used for encoding or decoding the message.
  • Look for Regularity: Observe if there's a consistent shift, mathematical operation, or substitution rule applied.

2. Work with Keywords:

  • Identify Keywords: Look for key words or letters that could indicate the coding rule.
  • Focus on Changes: Pay attention to the differences between the original and coded message.

3. Utilize Positional Values:

  • Know Alphabet Positions: Understand the positions of letters in the alphabet to decipher letter-shifting codes.
  • Number Correspondence: Relate numbers to their respective alphabet positions to solve numerical coding.

4. Analyze Word Structure:

  • Split Words: Break down words into individual letters to decipher the coding pattern.
  • Check for Patterns: Observe how vowels, consonants, or specific letter combinations are treated.

5. Use Reverse Coding:

  • Reverse Engineer: Try reversing the applied rule to decode the message, especially if the encoding method is clear.

6. Test with Options:

  • Trial and Error: If multiple-choice options are available, test potential solutions to identify the correct coding rule.
  • Elimination Strategy: Eliminate options that do not adhere to the identified pattern.

7. Practice Different Patterns:

  • Variety in Practice: Solve diverse types of coding and decoding problems to familiarize yourself with various patterns.
  • Mock Tests: Take practice tests and solve sample questions to improve speed and accuracy.

8. Avoid Assumptions:

  • Stick to the Given Rule: Do not assume patterns that are not explicitly stated in the question.
  • Verify Your Solution: Double-check if the decoded message aligns with the given rule.

9. Mental Calculation:

  • Quick Mental Math: Improve mental math skills to perform faster calculations during numerical or mathematical coding
Sample Coding Decoding Questions
Question Code Type Explanation
If CAT is coded as DOG, how is DOG coded? Substitution Each letter is shifted two positions forward in the alphabet (C>E, A>C, T>V). So, DOG translates to FPH.
In a certain code, BIRD is 2134, TREE is 3549 and SKY is 198. What is CLOUD? Number Substitution Each letter corresponds to a unique number. B=2, I=1, R=3, D=4, T=5, etc. CLOUD would be 34159.
The letters of a word are reversed and then each letter is moved one position backwards in the alphabet. If the coded word is YMJW, what is the original word? Reverse Alphabet Shift Decode by reversing YMJW (WJMY) and then shifting each letter back one (VIMX). V=W, I=J, M=N, X=Y. The original word is VINY.
In this code, each vowel is replaced by the next vowel in the alphabet (a->e, e->i, i->o, o->u, u->a). Consonants remain unchanged. What is the code for RAINBOW? Vowel Shift Code: EAINBOW (R, B, and W stay the same).
If the first and last letters of each word are swapped, what is the code for SUNSHINE? First-Last Swap Code: NISNUHS (S and E are swapped in SUNSHINE).
Practice Questions on Coding and Decoding
Question Coding/Decoding Pattern Given Word Coded Word Find the Decoded Word
Question 1 Letter Shifting Coding APPLE DSSOH ?
Question 2 Number Coding PENCIL 165374 ?
Question 3 Mixed Coding BELL 213020 ?
Question 4 Symbol/Substitution Coding A*B-C/D+ ? ?
Question 5 Mathematical Operations Coding WORLD LMTBF ?
Question 6 Conditional Coding HAPPY IBQQZ ?
Question 7 Passage Coding/Decoding Kindness is a language Dzmwzmzc rm z oyqovoc ?
Question 8 Analogy-Based Coding Sun 21 ?

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