



1. Introduction


At the beginning of the 6th century B.C., northern India consisted of a large number of independent kingdoms. Some of them had monarchical forms of government, while some others were republics. Some of the republics consisted of only one tribe like the Sakyas, Licchavis and Mallas.

The Buddhist literature Anguttara Nikaya gives a list of sixteen great kingdoms called ‘Sixteen Mahajanapadas’. They were Anga, Magadha, Kasi, Kosala, Vajji, Malla, Chedi, Vatsa, Kuru, Panchala, Matsya, Surasena, Asmaka, Avanti, Gandhara and Kambhoja. Finally, in the mid-6th century B.C., only four kingdoms – Vatsa, Avanti, Kosala and Magadha survived.

Vatsa:  Vatsa is often spelled Vamsa. Located on the Yamuna's banks. This Mahajanapada was governed in a monarchical manner. Kausambi/Kaushambi was the capital (which was at the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna). This was a commercially important city In the sixth century, trade and commerce flourished. Following Buddha's ascension, the monarch Udayana established Buddhism as a state religion.
Avanti:  Avanti had an important role in the emergence of Buddhism. Avanti's capitals were Ujjaini (northern section) and Mahishmati (southern part). It was located in what are now Malwa and Madhya Pradesh. Pradyota was a powerful king.
Kosala:  It was in Uttar Pradesh's current Awadh area. Ayodhya, a significant city linked with the Ramayana, was also included in the territory. Kosala also includes the tribal republican territory of Kapilavastu's Sakyas. Gautama Buddha was born at Kapilavastu in Lumbini. Prasenajit (Buddha's contemporary) was an important ruler.
Magadha:  Over time, the Magadha Empire was ruled by three dynasties: the Haryanka Dynasty, the Shishunaga Dynasty, and the Nanda Dynasty. The Magadha Empire is thought to have existed from 684 BCE to 320 BCE. From the sixth to the fourth centuries BCE, the four Mahajanapadas - Magadha, Kosala, Avanti, and Vatsa – vied for power. Finally, Magadha emerged triumphant and gained statehood. It rose to supremacy as the most powerful state in ancient India. Magadha is located in modern-day Bihar. Jarasandha, a descendant of Brihadratha, established the empire in Magadha, mentioned in the Mahabharata.

2. Bimbisara (546 - 494 B.C.)

  • Bimbisara, the ruler of Haryanka, was a contemporary of the Buddha.
  • Bimbisara was the first monarch to maintain a permanent army, also known as Seniya or Sreniya.
  • Bimbisara's father was beaten by an Anga monarch, thus Bimbisara conquered the Anga king Brahmadatta in retaliation.
  • He bolstered his status via marriage partnerships. Was the first monarch to command a permanent army under his guidance, Magadha rose to prominence.
  • He had a feud with Avanti king Pradyota, but they eventually became friends, and Bimbsara even dispatched his royal minister Jivaka to Ujjain, when Pradyota had a conflict with him.
  • He began to use marriage ties to boost his political standing.
  • Magadha became the dominant force in the 6th century B.C. as a result of his conquests and diplomacy, so much so that Magadha is reported to have comprised 80,000 villages.
  • According to Buddhist records, Bimbisara reigned from 544 to 492 B.C. There is no definitive answer as to whether Bimbisara practised Jainism or Buddhism, yet both religions claim him as a supporter.

3. Ajatasatru (494 - 462 B.C.)

  • Bimbisara was succeeded to the throne by Ajatashatru (492-460 B.C.). It is stated that Ajatashatru murdered his father to take the kingdom. He pursued an ambitious growth strategy.
  • Ajatashatru's murder of his father caused Mahakosaladevi pain, therefore, Prasenjit, King of Koshala, renounced Kashi, resulting in a battle in which Koshala was vanquished.
  • Even though his mother was a Lichchhavi princess, Ajatashatru waged war against Vaishali.
  • It took him 16 years to demolish Vaishali and include it in his dominion. He utilised a war engine to launch stones, much like catapults. He also owned chariots with maces attached, allowing for mass murders.
  • Rajagriha responded to Avanti's warning by preparing for an invasion that never happened.
  • Udayin (460-444 B.C.) succeeded Ajatashatru, and for strategic reasons, he erected the fort at the confluence of the Ganga and Son at Patna.

4. Sisunaga Dynasty


The genealogy and chronology of the Sisunaga are not clear. Sisunaga defeated the king of Avanti which was made part of the Magadhan Empire. After Saisunaga, the mighty empire began to collapse. His successor was Kakavarman or Kalasoka. During his reign, the second Buddhist Council was held at Vaisali. Kalasoka was killed by the founder of the Nanda dynasty.


  • The fame of Magadha scaled new heights under the Nanda dynasty. Their conquests went beyond the boundaries of the Gangetic basin and in North India they carved a well-knit and vast empire.
  • Mahapadma Nanda was a powerful ruler of the Nanda dynasty. He uprooted the Kshatriya dynasties in north India and assumed the title ekarat. The Puranas speak of the extensive conquests made by Mahapadma.
  • The Hathigumpha inscription of Kharvela of Kalinga refers to the conquest of Kalinga by the Nandas.
  • Many historians believe that a considerable portion of the Deccan was also under the control of the Nandas. Therefore, Mahapadma Nanda may be regarded as a great empire builder.
  • According to the Buddhist tradition, Mahapadma Nanda ruled for about ten years. He was succeeded by his eight sons, who ruled successively. The last Nanda ruler was Dhana Nanda. He kept the Magadhan Empire intact and possessed a powerful army and enormous wealth.
  • The fabulous wealth of the Nandas is also mentioned by several sources. The enormous wealth of the Nandas is also referred to in the Tamil Sangam work Ahananuru by the poet Mamulanar. The flourishing state of agriculture in the Nanda dominions and the general prosperity of the country must have brought to the royal treasury enormous revenue.
  • The oppressive way of tax collection by Dhana Nanda was resented by the people. Taking advantage of this, Chandragupta Maurya and Kautilya initiated a popular movement against the Nanda rule. It was during this time that Alexander invaded India.

5. Persian and Greek Invasions

Cyrus (558 – 530 B.C): Cyrus the Great was the greatest conqueror of the Achaemenian Empire. He was the first conqueror who led an expedition and entered into India. He captured the Gandhara region. All Indian tribes to the west of the Indus River submitted to him and paid tribute. His son Cambyses had no time to pay attention towards India.
Darius I (522 – 486 B.C.): Darius I, the grandson of Cyrus, conquered the Indus Valley in 518 B.C. and annexed the Punjab and Sindh. This region became the 20th Satrapy of his empire. It was the most fertile and populous province of the Achaemenian Empire. Darius sent a naval expedition under Skylas to explore the Indus.
Xerxes: Xerxes utilized his Indian province to strengthen his position. He deployed Indian infantry and cavalry to Greece to fight his opponents. But they retreated after Xerxes faced a defeat in Greece. After this failure, the Achaemenians could not follow a forward policy in India. However, the Indian Province was still under their control. Darius III enlisted Indian soldiers to fight against Alexander in 330 B.C. The control of Persians slackened on the eve of Alexander’s invasion of India.

Effects of the Persian Invasion

  • Trade relations between India and Iran grew at a high pace. Trade relations between India and Iran grew at a high pace. It uncovered the shortcomings of Indian security and paved the way for the victory of Alexander.
  • The Satrap system presented by the Persians in their Indian areas acted as a model for later administrations, particularly the Sakas and the Kushanas.
  • Greek thinkers interacted with the Indian way of thinking well before the attack of Alexander as Persians acted as a link.
  • Kharosthi Script was brought to Northwestern India, which is written from right to left like Aramaic.
  • Inscriptions by Ashoka in these regions were found to be written in Kharosthi only.
  • Hints of the Persian impact can be found in the Mauryan figures and the Ashokan Columns.

6. Alexander’s Invasion of India (327-325 B.C.)

Political Condition on the eve of Alexander’s Invasion

  • Two centuries after the Persian invasion, Alexander from Macedonia invaded India. On the eve of his invasion, there were several small kingdoms in north-western India.
  • The leading kings were Ambhi of Taxila, the ruler of Abhisara and Porus who ruled the region between the rivers of Jhelum and Chenab.
  • There were many republican states like Nysa. In short, north-western India remained the most disunited part of India and the rulers were fighting with one another.
  • They never come together against a common enemy. Yet, it was not easy for Alexander to overcome so many sources of opposition.

Causes of the Invasion

  • Alexander ascended the throne of Macedonia after the death of his father Philip in 334 B.C. He conquered the whole of Persia by defeating Darius III in the battle of Arbela in 330 B.C.
  • He also aimed at further conquest eastwards and wanted to recover the lost Persian Satrapy of India.
  • The writings of Greek authors like Herodotus about the fabulous wealth of India attracted Alexander.
  • Moreover, his interest in geographical enquiry and his love of natural history urged him to undertake an invasion of India.
  • He believed that on the eastern side of India, there was the continuation of the sea, according to the geographical knowledge of his period. So, he
  • Moreover, his interest in geographical enquiry and his love of natural history urged him to undertake an invasion of India.
  • He believed that on the eastern side of India, there was the continuation of the sea, according to the geographical knowledge of his period. So, he thought that by conquering India, he would also conquer the eastern boundary of the world.

Battle of Hydaspes

  • In 327 B.C. Alexander crossed the Hindu Kush Mountains and spent nearly ten months in fighting with the tribes.
  • He crosses the Indus in February 326 B.C. with the help of a bridge of boats.
  • He was warmly received by Ambhi, the ruler of Taxila. From there Alexander sent a message to Porus to Submit. But Porus refuses and decides to fight against Alexander.
  • Then Alexander marched from Taxila to the bank of the river Hydaspes (Jhelum). On the other side of the river, he saw the vast army of Porus. As there were heavy floods in the river, Alexander was not able to cross it.
  • After a few days, he crosses the river and the famous battle of Hydaspes was fought on the Plains of Karri. It was a well-contested battle. Although Porus had a strong army, he lost the battle.
  • Alexander was impressed by the courage and heroism of this Indian Prince, treated him generously and reinstated him on his throne.
  • Alexander continued his march as far as the river Beas encountering opposition from the local tribes. He wanted to proceed still further eastwards towards the Gangetic valley. But he could not do so because his soldiers refused to fight. Hardships of prolonged warfare made them tired and they wanted to return home.
  • Alexander could not persuade them and therefore decided to return. He made arrangements to look after his conquered territories in India. He divided the whole territory from the Indus to the Beas into three provinces and put them under his governors.
  • His retreat began in October 326 B.C. and the return journey was not free from ordeals. Many republican tribes attacked his army. Anyhow he managed to reach beyond the Indus. On his way, he reached Babylon where he fell seriously ill and died in 323 B.C.
  • His retreat began in October 326 B.C. and the return journey was not free from ordeals. Many republican tribes attacked his army. Anyhow he managed to reach beyond the Indus. On his way, he reached Babylon where he fell seriously ill and died in 323 B.C.

Effects of Alexander’s Invasion

  • Alexander stayed in India for around two years. There were several cultural exchanges between India and Greece.
  • His invasion improved the pace of political unification in northern India, especially under the Mauryas. A direct contact was established between India and Greece after his invasion.
  • After the invasion, several Indo-Greek kings were ruling the northwest part of India. Greek impact on Indian art was visible because of this, especially in the Gandhara School of Art.


Previous Year Questions

1. From the decline of Guptas until the rise of Harshavardhana in the early seventh century, which of the following kingdoms were holding power in Northern India? (upsc 2021)

(1) The Guptas of Magadha 

(2) The Paramaras of Malwa

(3) The Pushyabhutis of Thanesar

(4) The Maukharis of Kanauj

(5) The Yadavas of Devagiri

(6) The Maitrakas of Valabhi

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1, 2 and 5         (b) 1, 3, 4 and 6          (c) 2, 3 and 4           (d) 5 and 6

Answer: B

2. Which of the following kingdoms were associated with the life of the Buddha? (UPSC 2015)

  1. Avanti
  2. Gandhara
  3. Kosala
  4. Magadha

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 1, 2 and 3        (b) 2 and 3 only         (c) 1, 3 and 4            (d) 3 and 4 only

Answer: D



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