After the decline of the Sangam Age in the Tamil country, the Kalabhra rule lasted for about 250 years. Thereafter, the Pallavas established their kingdom in Tondaimandalam with its capital at Kanchipuram. Their rule continued till Tondaimandalam was captured and annexed by the Imperial Cholas at the beginning of the tenth century A.D.

1. Origin of the Pallavas


There are different views on the origin of the Pallavas. They were equated with the Parthians, the foreigners who ruled western India. Another view was that the Pallavas were a branch of the Brahmin royal dynasty of the Vakatakas of the Deccan. The third view relates the Pallavas with the descendants of the Chola prince and a Naga princess whose native was the island of Manipallavam. The Pallavas issued their earlier inscriptions in Prakrit and Sanskrit because of their Satavahana connections and also patronised Brahmanism.

2. Political History

  • The lineages of the Pallavas are enfolded in mystery. There are numerous assumptions pronounced by finalists and historians.
  • A handful of historians assert that are a portion of the Parthian community (a clan from Iran) who deliberately departed to south India.
  • Some explain that they are an indigenous empire that originated within the southern province and lived with a blend of myriad peoples and tribes.
  • Some professionals speculate them to be from a Naga ancestry who initially lived around the Tondaimandalam province near Madras.
  • The initially Pallava kings governed during the advent of the fourth century AD. By the seventh century AD, three provinces in southern India desiring authority and hegemony namely the Chalukyas of Badami, the Pandyas of Madurai, and the Pallavas of Kanchipuram ruled the Pallava Kingdom.

Mahendravarman I (600 – 630 A.D.)

  • The long-drawn Pallava – Chalukya Conflict began during his period. Pulakesin II marched against the Pallavas and captured the northern part of their kingdom. Although a Pallava inscription refers to the victory of Mahendravarman I at Pullalur, he was not able to recover the lost territory.
  • Mahendravarman I (600 – 630 A.D.) The long-drawn Pallava – Chalukya Conflict began during his period. Pulakesin II marched against the Pallavas and captured the northern part of their kingdom.
  • Although a Pallava inscription refers to the victory of Mahendravarman I at Pullalur, he was not able to recover the lost territory.
  • He was a great builder of cave temples. The Mandagappattu inscription hails him as Vichitrachitta who constructed a temple for Brahma, Vishnu and Siva without the use of bricks, timber, metal and mortar.
  • His rock-cut temples are found in several places like Vallam, Mahendravadi, Dalavanur, Pallavaram, Mandagappattu and Tiruchirappalli. He had also authored the Sanskrit work Mattavilasa Prahasanam.
  • His title Chitrakarapuli reveals his talents in painting. He is also regarded as an expert in music. The music inscription at Kudumianmalai is ascribed to him.

Narasimhavarman I (630-668 A.D.)

  • Narasimhavarman I was also known as Mamalla, which means ‘great wrestler’. He wanted to avenge the defeat of his father at the hands of Chalukyan ruler Pulakesin II.
  • His victory over Pulakesin II in the Battle of Manimangalam near Kanchi is mentioned in Kuram copper plates. Narasimhavarman I assumed the title ‘Vatapikonda’.
  • During his reign, Hiuen Tsang visited the Pallava capital Kanchipuram. His description of Kanchi is vivid.
  • He calls it a big and beautiful city, six miles in circumference. It had 100 Buddhist monasteries in which about 10,000 Buddhist monks lived.
  • According to his account the people of Kanchi esteemed great learning and the Ghatika at Kanchi served as a great centre of learning. Narasimhavarman I was the founder of Mamallapuram and the monolithic rathas were erected during his reign.

Narasimhavarman II or Rajasimha (695 -722 A.D.)

  • Narasimhavarman I was succeeded by Mahendravarman II and Parameswarvarman I and the Pallava – Chalukya conflict continued during their reign. Thereafter, Narasimhavarman II became the ruler of the Pallava kingdom.
  • He was also known as Rajasimha. His regime was peaceful and he evinced more interest in developing the art and architecture. The Shore temple at Mamallapuram and the Kailasanatha temple at Kanchipuram were built in this period.
  • He was also a great patron of art and letters. The famous Sanskrit scholar Dandin is said to have adorned his court. Rajasimha assumed titles like Sankarabhakta, Vadhyavidyadhara and Agamapriya.

3. Administration of the Pallavas

  • The Pallavas had a well-organized administrative system. The Pallava state was divided into Kottams. The Kottam was administered by officers appointed by the king. The king was at the centre of administration in which he was assisted by able ministers.
  • He provided land grants to the temples known as Devadhana and also to the Brahmans known as Brahmadeya. It was also the responsibility of the central government to provide irrigation facilities to the lands.
  • Land tax was the primary source of the government revenue. The Brahmadeya and Devadhana lands were exempted from tax. Traders and artisans such as carpenters, goldsmiths, washer-men, oil-pressers and weavers paid taxes to the government.
  • The Pallava's inscriptions throw much light on the village assemblies called Sabhas and their committees. They maintained records of all village lands, looked after local affairs and managed temples.

4. Society under the Pallavas

  • The Tamil society witnessed a great change during the Pallava period. The caste system became rigid.
  • The Brahmins occupied a high place in the society. They were given land grants by the kings and nobles. They were also given the responsibility of looking after the temples.
  • The Pallava period also witnessed the rise of Shaivism and Vaishnavism and also the decline of Buddhism and Jainism. The Saiva Nayanmars and the Vaishnava Alwars contributed to the growth of Saivism and Vaishnavism.
  • This is known as the Bhakti Movement. They composed their hymns in the Tamil language. These hymns revealed the importance of devotion or Bakthi. The construction of temples by the Pallava kings paved the way for the spread of these two religions.

5. Education and Literature

  • The Pallavas were great patrons of learning. Their capital Kanchi was an ancient centre of learning. The Ghatika at Kanchi was popular and it attracted students from all parts of India and abroad.
  • The founder of the Kadamba dynasty, Mayurasarman studied Vedas at Kanchi. Dinganaga, a Buddhist writer came to study at Kanchi. Dharmapala, who later became the Head of the Nalanada University, belonged to Kanchi.
  • Bharavi, the great Sanskrit scholar lived in the time of Simhavishnu. Dandin, another Sanskrit writer adorned the court of Narasimhavarman II.
  • Mahendravaraman I composed the Sanskrit play Mattavilasaprahasanam. Tamil literature had also developed. The Nayanmars and Alwars composed religious hymns in Tamil. Music and dance also developed during this period.

6. Pallavas art and architecture

The beautiful Pallava architecture can be divided into four styles

  • Mahendra style (600-625 AD)
  • Mammala style (625-674 AD)
  • Rajasimha and Nadivarman style (674-800 AD)
  • Aparajitha style (early 9th century)
  • The Pallavas era witnessed a transformation from rock-cut to free-standing temples.
  • Mahendravarman was an explorer in rock-cut architecture. Mandagappattu temple was the first rock-cut temple developed by him.
  • Narasimhavarman II also known as Rajasimha built the famous Kanchi Kailasanatha temple during the late 7th century AD.
  • The Shore temple was also built by Narasimhavarman II. It is the oldest temple in South India. It’s been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1984.
  • The Vaikuntha Permal at Kanchipuram was built by Nandivarman II.
  • The Dravidian type of architecture started with the Pallava reign.
Fine Arts: Music, dance and painting had also developed under the patronage of the Pallavas. The Mamandur inscription contains a note on the notation of vocal music. The Kudumianmalai inscription referred to musical notes and instruments. The Alwars and Nayanmars composed their hymns in various musical notes. Dance and drama also developed during this period.



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