

The GSAT (Geosynchronous Satellite) series forms the backbone of India's communication infrastructure, playing a crucial role in bridging the digital divide and providing vital services across the country. These indigenously developed satellites, built and launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), offer a wide range of communication capabilities, from rural connectivity to mobile broadband access and television broadcasting.
What is a GSAT Satellite?
The GSAT (Geostationary Satellite) series refers to a set of communication satellites developed and launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to enhance India's communication infrastructure. These satellites are placed in geostationary orbits, meaning they orbit the Earth at a specific distance and speed, allowing them to remain fixed relative to a specific point on Earth's surface.
GSAT Series – Significant Satellites

The GSAT (Geostationary Satellite) series comprises several significant satellites launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to cater to diverse communication needs. Here are some notable satellites from the GSAT series:

GSAT-1 (INSAT-4A): Launched in April 2001, it was initially designated as INSAT-4A before being rechristened GSAT-1. This satellite played a crucial role in augmenting India's telecommunications and broadcasting capabilities.

GSAT-2: Launched in May 2003, GSAT-2 aimed to augment the existing capacity provided by INSAT/GSAT satellites in various frequency bands for communication services.

GSAT-3 (EDUSAT): Launched in September 2004, GSAT-3 was dedicated to educational services and was named EDUSAT. It aimed to provide distance education to rural and remote parts of India.

GSAT-4: Although planned, GSAT-4 faced technical issues and was declared a partial failure after its launch in April 2010. It was intended for strategic communications.

GSAT-6: Launched in August 2015, GSAT-6 is known for its S-band and C-band transponders, enabling communication through handheld ground terminals.

GSAT-7 (Rukmini): Launched in September 2013, GSAT-7 was a dedicated military communication satellite, enhancing the Indian Navy's maritime communication capabilities.

GSAT-9 (South Asia Satellite): Launched in May 2017, GSAT-9, also known as the South Asia Satellite, aimed to provide communication services to South Asian countries for various applications, including telemedicine and disaster management.

GSAT-10: Launched in September 2012, GSAT-10 bolstered India's communication services with its Ku-band, C-band, and traditional navigation payloads.

GSAT-15: Launched in November 2015, GSAT-15 was equipped with C-band and Ku-band transponders, further enhancing India's communication capabilities.

GSAT-16: Launched in December 2014, GSAT-16 carried C-band, Ku-band, and upper extended C-band transponders, strengthening India's communication infrastructure


Applications of GSAT Satellite


The GSAT (Geostationary Satellite) series, launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), serves various critical applications and plays a pivotal role in enhancing India's communication infrastructure.

Here are some key applications of GSAT satellites:

  • GSAT satellites provide a wide array of telecommunication services, including telephone connectivity, television broadcasting, direct-to-home (DTH) services, and internet connectivity across India and neighboring regions
  • These satellites facilitate internet services, supporting data transmission, broadband connectivity, and network services for government, commercial, and individual users
  • During natural calamities or emergencies, GSAT satellites play a crucial role in maintaining communication links, aiding disaster management agencies, and ensuring uninterrupted connectivity for relief operations
  • GSAT satellites help bridge the digital divide by providing communication services to remote and rural areas, supporting connectivity and access to telecommunication services in underserved regions
  • Some GSAT satellites carry payloads for meteorological observations, assisting in weather forecasting, tracking cyclones, monitoring weather patterns, and contributing to disaster preparedness
  • Certain GSAT satellites serve defense and strategic communication purposes, catering to secure communication needs and supporting military operations and intelligence gathering
  • GSAT satellites enable telemedicine services, facilitating remote healthcare consultations and medical diagnostics
  • These satellites are utilized by commercial entities for various communication purposes, including corporate communication, data transmission, and network connectivity
List of GSAT Satellites
Satellite Launch Date Status Primary Focus Key Transponders Applications
GSAT-1 2001 Decommissioned Telecommunications, TV broadcasting C-band, Ku-band Rural connectivity, DTH services
GSAT-2 2001 Decommissioned Broadcast Ku-band DTH services
GSAT-3 2004 Operational Telecommunications, CATV C-band, Extended C-band, Ku-band Rural connectivity, broadband internet
GSAT-4 2005 Operational Broadband internet, mobile communication C-band, Ku-band Rural internet, mobile backhaul
GSAT-5P (INSAT-4D) 2005 Operational Mobile communication S-band, C-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, disaster management
GSAT-6 2015 Operational Broadband internet, mobile communication Ku-band, Ka-band Rural broadband, VSAT services, mobile backhaul
GSAT-6A 2015 Operational Mobile communication S-band, C-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, broadband internet, DTH services
GSAT-7 2006 Operational Military communication X-band, Ka-band Secure military communication
GSAT-7A 2010 Operational Telecommunications, DTH services C-band, Ku-band Rural connectivity, broadcasting
GSAT-7C 2019 Operational Military communication S-band, X-band Secure military communication
GSAT-7R 2017 Operational Telecommunications, broadcasting C-band, Ku-band Rural connectivity, DTH services
GSAT-8 2011 Operational Broadcast C-band, Ku-band DTH services, broadcasting
GSAT-10 2012 Operational Telecommunications, CATV C-band, Ku-band Rural connectivity, broadband internet
GSAT-11 2015 Operational Mobile communication S-band, C-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, disaster management
GSAT-12 2011 Operational Mobile communication, navigation S-band, C-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, GPS augmentation
GSAT-14 2014 Operational Telecommunications, broadcasting C-band, Ku-band Rural connectivity, DTH services
GSAT-15 2015 Operational Mobile communication S-band, C-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, rural connectivity
GSAT-16 2014 Operational Broadband internet, DTH services Ku-band, Ka-band Rural broadband, DTH services
GSAT-17 2014 Operational Broadband internet, mobile communication Ku-band Rural broadband, mobile backhaul
GSAT-18 2016 Operational Telecommunications, CATV C-band, Extended C-band, Ku-band Rural connectivity, broadband internet
GSAT-19 2017 Operational Mobile communication S-band, C-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, rural connectivity
GSAT-20 2018 Operational Mobile communication S-band, C-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, rural connectivity
GSAT-29 2018 Operational DTH services Ku-band DTH services, broadcasting
GSAT-30 2022 Operational Broadband internet Ka-band Rural broadband, VSAT services
GSAT-31 2023 Operational Mobile communication, DTH services S-band, Ku-band Mobile telephony, DTH services
Previous Year Questions
1.Which of the following is the application of GSAT-30 satellite? (DFCCIL Executive (Ops & BD) 2018)
B.Earth Observation
Answer (C)
2.With reference to Indian satellites and their launchers, consider the following statements: (UPSC CSE 2002)

1) All the INSAT series of satellites were launched abroad.

2) PSLVs were used to launch IRS-series of satellites.

3) India used the indigenously built cryogenic engines for the first time for powering the third stage of GSLV.

4) GSAT, launched in the year 2001, has payloads to demonstrate digital broadcasts and internet services.

Which of these statements are correct?

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 4

(d) 1 and 3

Answer: (a)

3.With reference to India's satellite launch vehicles, consider the following statements: (UPSC 2018)

1) PSLVs launch the satellites useful for Earth resources monitoring whereas GSLVs are designed mainly to launch communication satellites.

2) Satellites launched by PSLV appear to remain permanently fixed in the same position in the sky, as viewed from a particular location on Earth.

3) GSLV Mk III is a four-staged launch l vehicle with the first and third stages l using solid rocket motors; and the second and fourth stages using liquid rocket engines.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 2

(d) 3 only

Answer: (a)

Frequently Asked Questions on GSAT Satellites

What is a GSAT satellite?

    • GSAT refers to the series of geostationary satellites launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to facilitate telecommunications, broadcasting, and other communication services.

What are the main purposes of GSAT satellites?

    • GSAT satellites primarily serve communication needs, including direct-to-home broadcasting, broadband connectivity, telecommunication services, and emergency communications.

How many GSAT satellites have been launched so far?

    • The number of GSAT satellites launched varies over time. ISRO has launched multiple GSAT satellites, each designated with a specific number, indicating the order of its launch.

What are the key features of GSAT satellites?

    • GSAT satellites are equipped with transponders, antennas, and communication payloads that facilitate the transmission of signals for various communication services.

What orbits do GSAT satellites operate in?

    • GSAT satellites are usually placed in geostationary orbits (GEO) or geosynchronous transfer orbits (GTO), allowing them to match the Earth's rotation and appear stationary relative to a fixed point on the Earth's surface.

How do GSAT satellites benefit society?

    • GSAT satellites play a crucial role in providing connectivity to remote areas, enabling communication services, supporting broadcasting, improving internet access, and facilitating disaster management and emergency communications.

Are GSAT satellites used only in India?

    • While primarily launched by ISRO to serve India's communication needs, GSAT satellites have been used to support neighboring countries and international partners for communication purposes.

What technologies are used in GSAT satellites?

    • GSAT satellites employ various technologies, including transponders, antennas, solar panels for power generation, and advanced communication payloads designed for specific services.

Are there any future plans for GSAT satellites?

    • ISRO regularly plans and develops new satellites to enhance communication capabilities, improve efficiency, and meet the evolving demands of communication services

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