

The Technology Development Board (TDB) is an autonomous organization operating under the Department of Science and Technology (DST) in India. It was established to promote the development and commercialization of indigenous technology and support innovative projects that have potential socio-economic impact
Technology Development Board Objectives

The Technology Development Board (TDB) operates with several key objectives aimed at fostering technological innovation, development, and commercialization in India:

  •  Encouraging the development and adoption of homegrown technologies that cater to the needs of the nation across various sectors.

  • Providing financial and technical assistance to innovators, startups, SMEs, and institutions engaged in pioneering research and development projects with significant socio-economic impact.

  • Facilitating the transformation of innovative ideas and research outcomes into commercially viable products, processes, or services for the market.

  • Fostering an ecosystem conducive to entrepreneurship by supporting technology-driven startups and SMEs, thereby promoting job creation and economic growth.

  • Facilitating partnerships and collaborations between academia, research institutions, industry, and other stakeholders to leverage expertise, resources, and knowledge for technological advancement.

  • Encouraging the protection of intellectual property generated from research and development activities by providing guidance and support for patent filing and IPR management.

  • Supporting projects that address critical societal challenges in sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, environment, energy, and information technology to contribute to sustainable development.

  • Monitoring the progress of funded projects, evaluating their technological and commercial potential, and ensuring their successful implementation and commercialization

Technology Development Board Functions

The Technology Development Board (TDB) executes several essential functions to support technological innovation, development, and commercialization in India:

  • TDB provides financial support in various forms, including grants, loans, or equity assistance, to individuals, startups, SMEs, and institutions engaged in innovative technology projects.

  • It evaluates project proposals to assess their technological feasibility, commercial potential, and societal impact. Selected projects receive financial support based on their merit.

  • TDB assists in transforming innovative ideas, inventions, or research outcomes into marketable products, processes, or services by facilitating technology commercialization.

  •  It encourages and assists innovators in protecting their intellectual property by providing guidance and support in patent filing and managing IPR issues related to their innovations.

  • Encouraging collaboration between academic institutions, research organizations, and industries to promote knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and joint research initiatives.

  • TDB supports technology-driven startups and small to medium-sized enterprises by offering financial assistance, mentorship, and guidance to help them commercialize their innovations.

  • TDB focuses on supporting projects in strategic sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, renewable energy, information technology, and environmental conservation to address critical societal challenges.

  • Monitoring the progress of funded projects, evaluating their milestones, and ensuring adherence to timelines and project objectives to facilitate successful outcomes.

  • TDB plays an advisory role, contributing insights and recommendations for policy formulation related to technology development and innovation.

  • Supporting programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing the capabilities and skills of individuals and organizations involved in technology development and entrepreneurship

Frequently Asked Questions on the Technology Development Board (TDB)
What is the TDB?
    • The Technology Development Board (TDB) is a statutory body under the Department of Science & Technology (DST) in India. It aims to promote and commercialize indigenous technology and adapt imported technology for wider domestic applications.
Who can benefit from TDB?
    • Indian companies and research institutions involved in technology development and commercialization projects can benefit from TDB's financial assistance and support services.
What kind of technologies does TDB support?
    • TDB supports a wide range of technologies across various sectors, including biotechnology, information technology, renewable energy, healthcare, and more. They prioritize cutting-edge technologies with strong commercialization potential
What types of financial assistance does TDB offer?
    • TDB provides grants, soft loans, and equity support for technology development and commercialization projects. The type of assistance depends on the project's stage and requirements.
What are the eligibility criteria for receiving TDB funding?
    • Projects with strong technical merit, clear commercial potential, and well-defined implementation plans are generally eligible for TDB funding. Specific criteria vary depending on the funding scheme.
How can I apply for TDB funding?
What are the success rates for obtaining TDB funding?
    • Due to competition and rigorous project evaluation, success rates vary. However, projects with strong proposals and clear value propositions have a higher chance of securing funding

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