Mains Practice Question


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India can play a key role with its influence and relations with Russia. Discuss in the context of Ukraine peace formula held during the Davos conference.
A Simple Introduction about the Davos conference

The Davos conference, officially known as the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting, is an annual gathering of global leaders, policymakers, business executives, intellectuals, and other stakeholders from around the world. The primary objective of the Davos conference is to foster dialogue and collaboration on pressing global issues, including economic, social, environmental, and geopolitical challenges. Participants engage in discussions, debates, and workshops aimed at shaping policies and initiatives to address these issues.

It is the central part of the answer and one should understand the demand of the question to provide rich content.

India's potential role in facilitating peace talks for Ukraine, especially in the context of discussions held during the Davos conference, underscores its diplomatic significance and strategic position. 

  • Influence and Relations: India maintains historically strong ties with Russia, characterized by political cooperation, defense collaboration, and economic partnerships. These ties have deepened over the years, spanning various sectors such as defense, energy, and technology.
  • BRICS Alliance: As a member of the BRICS alliance, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, India holds a unique position to engage with Russia on multilateral platforms. The BRICS countries collectively represent a significant portion of the global economy and hold diplomatic leverage on various international issues.
  • Mediation Potential: India's neutral stance and diplomatic prowess position it as a potential mediator in resolving conflicts, including the Ukraine crisis. With its reputation for non-alignment and commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes, India can act as a bridge between conflicting parties and facilitate dialogue.
  • Davos Conference: During the Davos conference, the participation of national security advisors from various countries, including India, highlights the international community's interest in finding a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis. India's presence underscores its commitment to global peace and security.
  • Collective Momentum: As emphasized by Swiss foreign minister Ignazio Cassis, bringing Russia to the negotiation table requires collective momentum from numerous countries, including those outside of Europe. India's active involvement and support can contribute to building such momentum and encouraging constructive dialogue.
  • Swiss Initiative: Switzerland's initiative to host discussions on a peace formula for Ukraine demonstrates the international community's recognition of the need for concerted efforts to end the conflict. India's endorsement of these efforts further strengthens the legitimacy of diplomatic initiatives aimed at resolving the crisis.
  • Call for Peace: India's reiterated call for the early restoration of peace in Ukraine underscores its commitment to stability and security in the region. By advocating for peaceful resolution and dialogue, India reaffirms its role as a responsible global actor.


 The ending of the answer should be on a positive note and it should have a forward-looking approach.
India's influence, relations with Russia, participation in multilateral platforms like the BRICS alliance, and diplomatic capabilities position it as a potential facilitator in peace talks for Ukraine. Collaborative efforts involving India, alongside other key stakeholders, can contribute to achieving a sustainable solution to the ongoing crisis.
Other Points to Ponder 

BRICS alliance

SCO grouping


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05-Apr 2024