Mains Practice Question


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Discuss how western disturbances affect weather patterns in India.


A Simple Introduction about Western Disturbances

Western disturbances are weather phenomena that originate over the Mediterranean Sea region and often impact weather patterns in India, particularly in the northwestern regions, during the winter months. 

It is the central part of the answer and one should understand the demand of the question to provide rich content.
  • Origin and Characteristics: Western disturbances are large-scale storm systems that develop over the Mediterranean Sea and move eastwards, carrying moisture from distant regions like the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. As they traverse over landmasses like Afghanistan and Iran, they gather moisture and bring rain or snowfall to northwestern parts of India.
  • Precipitation: These disturbances are the primary source of rainfall and snowfall over north and northwest India during the post-monsoon and winter seasons. They play a crucial role in bringing much-needed precipitation to the Himalayan region, contributing to the winter snowfall in areas like Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh.
  • Contribution to Annual Rainfall: Western disturbances rank as the third major contributor to India's annual rainfall, following the southwest monsoon and the northeast monsoon. Their occurrence is essential for maintaining the ecological balance and supporting agricultural activities in the affected regions.
  • Trends and Impact: In recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in the frequency and intensity of Western disturbances. This decline has led to irregular precipitation patterns and adverse effects on agriculture and water resources in regions dependent on winter rainfall and snowfall.

Recent Examples:

  • Regions like Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, which typically experience significant snowfall during winter, have reported dry conditions and minimal precipitation. This deviation from the norm has impacted agricultural activities and water availability in these areas.
  • Metropolitan cities like Mumbai have experienced unusually hot January temperatures, indicating deviations from typical weather patterns attributed to the reduced influence of western disturbances.
 The ending of the answer should be on a positive note and it should have a forward-looking approach.

Western disturbances play a crucial role in India's weather patterns, particularly during the winter months. The decline in their frequency and intensity underscores the importance of understanding and monitoring these weather phenomena to mitigate their impact on agriculture, water resources, and overall environmental sustainability. Efforts to study and predict western disturbances are essential for effective climate adaptation strategies and ensuring resilience to changing weather patterns in affected regions.

Other Points to Ponder 

South-west monsoon and the North-east monsoon.



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1. Why is the South-West Monsoon called ‘Purvaiya’ (easterly) in Bhojpur Region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultured ethos of the region? (2023)


05-Apr 2024