Mains Practice Question


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Discuss the benefits and downsides of holding simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies.
A simple introduction about One Nation One Election
India's electoral system currently follows a decentralized approach where elections for the Lok Sabha and state assemblies are held separately based on different schedules. The idea of One Nation, One Election aims to align these elections, reducing the frequency of polls and promoting administrative efficiency. "One Nation, One Election" is a proposed electoral reform in India that advocates synchronizing the Lok Sabha (parliamentary) elections with the elections for state legislative assemblies.
You may incorporate some of the following points in the body of your answer:

Simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies have been a topic of discussion in Indian politics for various reasons.


  • Cost Reduction: Conducting elections at different times for state assemblies and the Lok Sabha incurs significant expenses. Simultaneous elections would help reduce the overall cost of holding elections, including expenses related to campaigning, security, and logistics.
  • Efficient Governance: With simultaneous elections, the government machinery can focus on governance and policy implementation rather than being frequently engaged in election-related activities. This leads to better efficiency and continuity in governance.
  • Policy Continuity: Since elections at both levels would be synchronized, there would be greater policy continuity. This ensures that development initiatives and welfare schemes continue without disruption, benefiting citizens across the nation.
  • Reduced Polarization: Frequent elections can sometimes lead to polarized campaigns based on short-term considerations. Simultaneous elections might reduce the frequency of such polarizing campaigns and encourage a more holistic approach to governance.


  • Logistical Challenges: Conducting simultaneous elections requires extensive logistical arrangements, including a large number of electronic voting machines (EVMs) and personnel. Managing such a massive electoral exercise simultaneously across the country can pose logistical challenges.
  • Dominance of National Parties: Simultaneous elections might benefit nationally dominant parties at the expense of regional parties. Regional issues and concerns may get overshadowed by national agendas, potentially marginalizing regional voices.
  • Delayed Results: Holding elections simultaneously means that the results for both Lok Sabha and state assemblies would be announced together. This could delay the formation of governments and decision-making processes, especially if there are hung assemblies.
  • Impact on Regional Issues: Regional parties often focus on local or state-specific issues during elections. Simultaneous polls might restrict their ability to highlight these issues effectively, leading to a dilution of regional concerns in the national discourse.

Previous Efforts and Recommendations:

  • Election Commission and Law Commission: Both the Election Commission and Law Commission of India have explored the idea of simultaneous elections in various reports. They have highlighted the potential benefits while also acknowledging the logistical and political challenges involved.
  • Niti Aayog's Proposal: In 2017, Niti Aayog proposed a roadmap for implementing simultaneous elections, emphasizing the need for consensus-building among political parties and stakeholders. The proposal aimed to address the complexities involved in transitioning to such a system.
 Your Conclusion should be simple and balanced 
While simultaneous elections offer advantages such as cost reduction and policy continuity, they also come with logistical, political, and representational challenges. Implementing such a significant electoral reform would require careful planning, consensus-building, and a thorough assessment of its long-term implications on India's democratic process.
Other Points to Ponder 

Has the idea of simultaneous polls been explored before?

What are the arguments around holding simultaneous elections?


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1. Discuss the role of the Election Commission of India in the light of the evolution of the Model Code of Conduct. (2022)

2. In the light of recent controversy regarding the use of Electronic Voting Machine (EVM), what are the challenges before the Election Commission of India to ensure the trustworthiness of elections in India? (2018)


04-Apr 2024