Mains Practice Question


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Discuss the impact of climate change on agriculture in India


The introduction of the answer is essential and should be restricted to 3-5 lines. Remember, a one-liner is not a standard introduction

World Food Day, observed on October 16, commemorates the establishment of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in 1945, which was established primarily to ensure global food and nutrition security following World War II.

The theme for World Food Day 2023 is "Water is Life. Water is Food." Assessing India's strides towards food security and its utilization of water resources for agriculture is pertinent within this context, especially considering the detrimental effects of climate change on sustainable development across various ecosystems.


It is the central part of the answer and one should understand the demand of the question to provide rich content

Climate Change Impact on Agriculture in India:

Alterations in rainfall patterns, temperature fluctuations (both maximum and minimum), and the sudden onset of extreme weather events like dry spells, droughts, heatwaves, and floods significantly impede crop growth, resulting in diminished productivity.

Such climate-induced risks to production not only jeopardize food security and nutritional requirements but also threaten the socioeconomic stability of rural economies.

However, the extent of climate change effects on agricultural output and livelihoods varies across India's diverse agro-climatic regions, making the impact uncertain in similar locales.

Climate change manifests in various agricultural impacts, including temperature variations, alterations in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, fluctuations in rainfall patterns (leading to floods, droughts, and altered runoff), and changes in groundwater recharge rates.


The ending of the answer should be on a positive note and it should have a forward-looking approach

Over the last three years (2020-2023), India has exported approximately 85 million tonnes (MT) of cereals, predominantly rice, wheat, and corn, solidifying its position as a leading producer.

India stands as the foremost producer of milk globally, and its fish and poultry production has witnessed rapid growth since 2000-2001, symbolizing the emergence of the "pink" (poultry) and "blue" (fisheries) revolutions alongside the historic green and white revolutions.

However, despite these advancements, malnutrition remains a concern, with about 16.6% of the population suffering from malnutrition, 35% of children under five experiencing stunted growth, and 32% being underweight, according to the latest National Family Health Survey (2020-2022)


Other Points to Consider

Interaction between climate change and agriculture

National Family Health Survey

Global Hunger Index


Previous Year Questions

What are the present challenges before crop diversification? How do emerging technologies provide an opportunity for crop diversification? (2021)

What are the major reasons for declining rice and wheat yield in the cropping system? How crop diversification is helpful to stabilise the yield of the crops in the system? (2017)


04-Apr 2024