Mains Practice Question


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What is the Square Kilometer Array project? What benefits will joining it bring to the scientific community in India?


The introduction of the answer is essential and should be restricted to 3-5 lines. Remember, a one-liner is not a standard introduction

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project represents a monumental international collaboration aimed at constructing the world's most extensive radio telescope, boasting a cumulative collecting area exceeding one million square meters. Unlike traditional single large telescopes, the SKA comprises thousands of dish antennas meticulously orchestrated to function as a unified entity. Situated in sparsely populated areas across South Africa and Australia, the antennas are strategically dispersed to minimize interference from human activities. Once operational, the SKA is poised to significantly surpass existing radio telescopes in potency, promising groundbreaking insights into the cosmos


You may incorporate some of the following points in the body of your answer:

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project represents a collaborative endeavor on a global scale aimed at constructing the most extensive radio telescope worldwide, boasting a cumulative collecting area exceeding one million square meters.

Unlike traditional single large telescopes, the SKA comprises thousands of dish antennas meticulously orchestrated to function as a unified entity.

Strategically located in sparsely populated areas, the antennas are dispersed across South Africa and Australia, with approximately 200 and over 130,000 installations, respectively, chosen to minimize interference from human activities.

Once operational, the SKA is poised to outperform existing radio telescopes by a considerable margin, exhibiting a potency ranging from 5 to 60 times that of current counterparts operating within similar frequency spectrums.

Benefits for India

India has officially committed to participating in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) initiative, a pivotal global scientific collaboration endeavoring to construct the world's largest radio telescope.

Although none of the SKA infrastructure will be situated within Indian territory, the country stands to reap substantial scientific and technological dividends by assuming full membership in the project.

While India has been actively involved in the SKA project for several years, attaining full member status entails formal ratification of an international treaty and a corresponding financial commitment, thereby unlocking enhanced scientific prospects with the impending facility.

Comparable to the scientific opportunities presented by initiatives such as the LHC or ITER, despite being situated abroad, the SKA membership offers India preferential access to the facilities and resources of the project.

As a full member, India stands to gain preferential allocation of time on the radio telescope, commensurate with its contribution to the endeavor, with limited additional time slots accessible via competitive selection processes.


The ending of the answer should be on a positive note and it should have a forward-looking approach

India has allocated Rs 1,250 crore towards the SKA project, earmarking its financial commitment for the construction phase of the initiative.

In addition to its involvement in the SKA, India has embarked on constructing a gravitational wave detector to augment the international LIGO network and holds full membership status in the ITER project, focusing on harnessing energy from nuclear fusion reactions.

Furthermore, India's robust engagement in initiatives such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and most potent particle accelerator, underscores its proactive participation in groundbreaking scientific endeavors at the global forefront

Other Points to Consider

India’s involvement

Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory

ITER project



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04-Apr 2024