Mains Practice Question


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What is National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)? Highlight the objectives of NCAP.
A Simple introdution about NCAP

The National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) is a significant initiative established by the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Government of India, in January 2019. It serves as a comprehensive, long-term strategy aimed at addressing the country's air pollution challenges effectively. The NCAP focuses on reducing particulate matter concentrations, specifically PM10 and PM2.5, which are hazardous to human health.

You may incorporate some of the following points in the body of your answer:

Objectives of NCAP

  1. Mitigation Measures: Implementing stringent measures for the prevention, control, and abatement of air pollution. This includes adopting advanced technologies, enforcing regulations on emissions from industries and vehicles, and promoting cleaner fuels.

  2. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: Establishing and enhancing an efficient ambient air quality monitoring network across the country. This network ensures a robust and reliable database on air quality parameters, helping in assessing pollution levels, identifying hotspots, and formulating targeted interventions.

  3. Public Awareness and Capacity Building: Conducting public awareness campaigns and capacity-building initiatives. These efforts aim to educate the public about the health impacts of air pollution, promote sustainable practices, and foster community participation in pollution control measures. Training programs are also conducted to build expertise and infrastructure for air quality management.

Your Conclusion should be simple and balanced

The NCAP's primary goal is to achieve a substantial reduction in particulate matter concentrations, especially PM10 and PM2.5, by 20% to 30% by 2024 and now further aiming for a 40% reduction by 2026. These targets are crucial for improving ambient air quality and safeguarding public health. Additionally, the NCAP emphasizes collaborative efforts involving central ministries, state governments, local bodies, and various stakeholders to ensure a coordinated approach in combating air pollution across all sources and sectors. Through city-specific action plans and continuous monitoring, the NCAP strives to create cleaner and healthier environments for all citizens.


Other Points to Ponder

What are Non Attainment Cities?

Central Pollution Control Board

Implementation of NCAP



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04-Apr 2024