Mains Practice Question


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Why southern India’s water supplies are rapidly running out? Discuss with examples.



Southern India is facing a rapid depletion of water supplies due to various factors leading to water scarcity in both rural and urban areas. This situation has serious implications for irrigation, drinking water availability, and agricultural practices.



Reservoir Water Levels: The Central Water Commission (CWC) monitors water levels in key reservoirs across southern states like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. Recent reports indicate that water stocks in these reservoirs are significantly lower compared to previous years. For instance, reservoirs in Karnataka are currently holding water at only 26% of their full capacity, which is considerably lower than expected levels for this time of the year.

Monsoon Variability: Southern India heavily relies on the monsoon season for replenishing water sources. However, recent years have seen irregular monsoon patterns and inter-seasonal rainfall variability, leading to inadequate recharge of groundwater and reservoirs. Despite the country as a whole receiving normal rainfall, the south peninsular region experienced below-normal rainfall during critical periods of the monsoon, impacting water availability.

Drinking Water Crisis in Urban Areas: Cities like Bengaluru in Karnataka are facing acute drinking water shortages due to depleted water reserves. This crisis extends beyond Bengaluru and affects other urban areas in southern states as well. Urbanization, population growth, and inefficient water management contribute to the strain on water resources in urban centres.

Impact on Irrigated Farming: Southern states, particularly Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, heavily rely on irrigated farming practices, including high-water-intensive crops like paddy. Water scarcity directly affects agricultural productivity and livelihoods. Diminishing water supplies also leads to conflicts over water allocation among different sectors like agriculture, industry, and domestic usage.

Aquifer Characteristics: Southern India's rocky aquifer system poses challenges as these aquifers do not hold substantial water and deplete quickly. Additionally, the recharge rates may not keep up with extraction rates, exacerbating water scarcity issues.



The water crisis in southern India is a complex issue influenced by climatic factors, unsustainable water management practices, population pressures, and the region's unique hydrological characteristics. Addressing these challenges requires sustainable water conservation measures, efficient irrigation practices, promoting rainwater harvesting, and enhancing water governance to ensure water security for both present and future generations. Government policies, public awareness, and community participation are crucial in mitigating the impacts of water scarcity in southern India.


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02-Apr 2024