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General Studies 4 >> Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

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Source- The Hindu


What is Tokenism?

It is an act of doing something to show that a person/company is including people from minority or marginalized groups, but without sincerity & without showing an intent to increase diversity and promote inclusivity.

Origin of the term:

  • According to Laws, the token is permitted entrance, but cannot fully participate.
  • All the formal requirements are met for entrance into a group but do not possess the ‘auxiliary Characteristics’ especially race, sex, and ethnicity that are expected of persons in that position.
  • Tokens are never permitted by insiders to become full members and may even be ejected if they stray too far from the special niche outlined for them.
  • Majority of women there remained concentrated in typically female jobs. Among those who did move into management positions, many failed to achieve equality with men.
  • As tokens, women are scrutinized more, felt overwhelmed to perform and tended to overachieve or underachieve.
  • Being tokens also psychologically impacted women, who either went out of their way to emphasize their outsider status to become insiders without fully succeeding.

Tokenism serves the interests of the dominant group.

 According to Kanter, a professor, hiring more women would solve the problem.


  • Tokenism is the act of doing something to show that a person/company is including people from minority or marginalized groups, but without sincerity and without showing an intent to increase diversity & promote inclusivity.
  • The members of a group whether women or black people or people from lower castes are hired only because of their difference from other dominant members like men, white people, and higher castes.
  • For instance, in a company hiring more women is an easy, temporary fix to a structural problem & gives the company evidence of no discrimination in the workplace.
  • In such scenarios, the hires or tokens become mere props or symbols.
  • Tokenistic acts can be dangerous and counter-productive for the tokens like they do not change prejudices about the community in question; on contrary, they may reaffirm them.
  • For instance, if a black man in a film dominated by white men and women is depicted as brutish and hypersexual.
  • They don’t contribute to diversity, for diversity is more than just mere representation.
  • For example, if a woman is hired at a male-dominated workplace but her ideas/inputs are not considered which defeats the purpose of hiring her so that the company can have diverse views.
  • They provide some ammunition to those engaging in these acts to ward off critics.
  • For instance, in films, having tokenistic characters allows directors to escape the responsibility of doing some serious research on the character’s historical, political & cultural background and accurately portraying her with nuance.

Fighting tokenism

  • To be inclusive, requires effort, time & long-term view.
  • While symbolic gestures like replacing a word in the anthem, are important, they are far from sufficient. Symbols must be backed by concrete action.
  • Portraying a gay character in a film or series is mere tokenism unless that character is well written with a definite arc like the other characters and has a purpose in the story.
  • Tokenism can be felt at the individual level, the institutional level and the systemic level.
  • Unless there are efforts, both short & long term, at all three levels, true diversity and inclusivity will remain a chimaera.

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