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General Studies 3 >> Science & Technology

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1. Context

Detecting carbon molecules in space has significant implications across various scientific disciplines.

It offers insights into the origins of life, astrochemistry, stellar and planetary formation, identification of potential life-supporting environments, and our understanding of the interstellar medium.

2. Understanding the Origins of Life

  • Carbon as a fundamental element: Carbon is a vital element for life, and organic compounds containing carbon are essential building blocks for living organisms.
  • Insights into chemical processes: Detecting carbon molecules in space helps scientists understand the chemical processes that occurred during the formation of stars, planets, and the emergence of life.

3. Astrochemistry and Chemical Evolution

  • Studying interstellar environments: Carbon molecules provide valuable information about the synthesis of complex organic compounds, such as amino acids, sugars, and DNA precursors.
  • Mapping chemical evolution: By mapping the distribution and abundance of carbon-based compounds, scientists can unravel the chemical evolution of the universe.
Image Source: Nature

4. Probing Stellar and Planetary Formation

  • Role in star and planet formation: Carbon compounds play a crucial role in the formation of stars and planets.
  • Tracing protoplanetary disks: Observations of carbon molecules help trace the chemical composition and physical conditions of protoplanetary disks, which are the birthplaces of planets.

5. Identifying Potential Life-Supporting Environments

  • Indicators of habitable environments: Carbon-based molecules can serve as indicators of environments conducive to hosting life.
  • Search for life beyond Earth: Detecting carbon molecules aids in the search for habitable environments on planets or moons within our solar system and beyond.

6. Understanding the Interstellar Medium

  • The role of carbon molecules: Carbon compounds play a significant role in the chemical and physical processes occurring within the interstellar medium.
  • Interplay between matter and energy: Studying carbon compounds helps scientists gain a better understanding of the interplay between matter, energy, and the lifecycle of stars.

7. The Way Forward

  • The detection of carbon molecules in space offers valuable insights into the origins of life, chemical evolution, planetary formation, the search for habitable environments, and our understanding of the dynamics of the universe.
  • By unravelling the presence and characteristics of carbon-based compounds, scientists deepen their understanding of our place in the cosmos and contribute to answering fundamental questions about the existence of life beyond Earth.
For Prelims: Carbon molecules, DNA, Stars, life, Earth, 
For Mains: 
1. Discuss the significance of detecting carbon molecules in space for understanding the origins of life. How do these molecules contribute to the chemical processes involved in the formation of stars, and planets, and the emergence of life? (250 words)
Previous Year Questions
1. With reference to carbon nanotubes, consider the following statements (UPSC 2020)
1. They can be used as carriers of drugs and antigens in the human body.
2. They can be made into artificial blood capillaries for an injured part of the human body.
3. They can be used in biochemical sensors.
4. Carbon nanotubes are biodegradable.
Which of the statements given above are correct?  
A. 1 and 2 only       B.  2, 3 and 4 only        C. 1, 3 and 4 only          D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: C
2. With reference to the recent developments in science, which one of the following statements is not correct? (UPSC 2019)
A. Functional chromosomes can be created by joining segments of DNA taken from cells of different species.
B. Pieces of artificial functional DNA can be created in laboratories.
C. A piece of DNA taken out from an animal cell can be made to replicate outside a living cell in a laboratory.
D. Cells taken out from plants and animals can be made to undergo cell division in laboratory petri dishes
Answer: A
3. A person stood alone in a desert on a dark night and wanted to reach his village which was situated 5 km east of the point where he was standing. He had no instruments to find the direction but he located the polestar. The most convenient way now to reach his village is to walk in the  (UPSC 2012)
A. direction facing the polestar.
B. direction opposite to the polestar.
C. direction keeping the polestar to his left.
D. direction keeping the polestar to his right.
Answer: C
4. On 21st June, the Sun (UPSC 2019) 
A. does not set below the horizon at the Arctic Circle
B.does not set below the horizon at Antarctic Circle
C.shines vertically overhead at noon on the Equator
D. shines vertically overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn
Answer: A
Source: The Indian Express

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