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General Studies 1 >> Indian Society

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Life Expectancy

Life Expectancy

Life expectancy is a statistical measure of the average time a living organism can live. it is a key metric in calculating Populations' health 
It is calculated on the basis of their living condition, family history, and other external factors which can change while migrating from one place to other

Important Observations

  • It is calculated by the National Family and Health Survey
  • Between 1997-2000 and 2013-2016, the life expectancy of all Individuals has improved
  • The gap between higher caste and SC/ST has remained at a similar rate
  • Within Caste groups Urban individuals have a higher life expectancy than their rural counterparts
  • These disparities remained in both time periods
  • The most common measure of life expectancy is Life expectancy at Birth
  • India's life expectancy is 69 years and 4 months which is less than the world's average lifespan of 72.81 years

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