Mains Practice Question


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Discuss the impact of the climate change on the Indian coastline.



A simple introduction about India's Coastline

 India's vast coastline, stretching over 7,500 kilometres, is a national treasure. However, climate change casts a long shadow, threatening this precious resource. While global predictions suggest a slightly lower sea-level rise for India compared to other regions, the potential consequences are far from negligible.



It is the central part of the answer and one should understand the demand of the question to provide rich content.

Impact of Climate Change on the Indian Coastline

The impact of climate change on India's coastline is a growing concern due to the vulnerability of coastal areas to rising sea levels, stronger waves, and changing weather patterns. 

  • Rising Sea Levels: Climate change contributes to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, leading to rising sea levels globally. While India's coastline is not as severely affected as some other regions, even a slight rise in sea level can have significant consequences for coastal communities, especially in low-lying areas.
  • Coastal Erosion: Stronger waves and increased coastal sediment transport due to changing wind patterns can accelerate coastal erosion. Studies, such as the one conducted by scientists at IIT Bombay, indicate that coastal erosion rates are likely to increase in the coming decades, leading to loss of land and habitat.
  • Shoreline Vulnerability: Climate change exacerbates the vulnerability of coastlines to natural hazards such as storms, cyclones, and tidal surges. These events can cause extensive damage to coastal infrastructure, ecosystems, and human settlements, posing risks to lives and livelihoods.
  • Local Impact Variability: The impact of climate change on India's coastline varies regionally based on factors such as local geomorphology, presence of barriers like harbors or river-mouths, and coastal development patterns. For example, areas with uninterrupted coastlines may experience different erosion rates compared to those with protective barriers.
  • Future Projections: Climate models project an increase in average wind speeds and wave heights in certain coastal regions, leading to accelerated erosion rates and heightened vulnerability. This underscores the importance of adaptive measures and sustainable coastal management practices.



The ending of the answer should be on a positive note and it should have a forward-looking approach.

As climate change continues to manifest in various environmental changes, including those affecting coastlines, it is crucial to conduct comprehensive studies and utilize advanced climate models for better assessment and prediction of future impacts. Additionally, strict enforcement of regulations such as the Coastal Regulation Zone rules is essential to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on India's coastline and coastal communities. Collaboration between scientific institutions, policymakers, and local communities is vital to develop resilient strategies and adaptation measures for coastal areas in the face of climate change challenges.


Other Points to Ponder

Important places on Indian coasts

Climate change


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04-Apr 2024