Mains Practice Question


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How are the fjords formed? Why do they constitute some of the most picturesque areas of the world? (PYQ 2023)
You may incorporate the following into your answer 

A fjord represents an elongated, deep, and narrow body of water that extends deeply inland. Typically, fjords are situated within a U-shaped valley, surrounded by steep rock walls on both sides.

Glacial valleys, shaped like troughs and exhibiting a U-shaped structure, possess wide, relatively smooth floors and steep sides. These valleys might contain scattered debris or moraine-shaped debris with a marshy appearance.

Hanging valleys may exist at elevated positions on one or both sides of the primary glacial valley. The cliff faces of divides or ridges from these hanging valleys, extending into the main glacial valleys, often display a truncated appearance, resembling triangular facets. Fjords or fiords refer to extremely deep glacial troughs filled with seawater, forming coastlines (mostly in high latitudes).



You may incorporate the following into your answer 

What makes these regions among the most visually stunning areas globally?

Fjords are predominantly located in Norway, Chile, New Zealand, Canada, Greenland, and the U.S.

Bergen, surrounded by seven mountains and fjords.

Fjords formed due to glacier activity. Glaciers, moving at a slow pace, significantly transform landscapes as they progress through an area, a process known as glaciation.

Several factors contribute to their status as some of the most picturesque areas:

Rich wildlife

Cascading waterfalls

Diverse biodiversity

Stunning landscapes

Towering cliffs

Other Points to Consider


Hanging Valley


Glacial Till


Previous Year Questions

How far do you agree that the behaviour of the Indian monsoon has been changing due to humanizing landscapes? Discuss. (2015)

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22-Nov 2023