Mains Practice Question


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Charu, a mother of a five-year-old daughter, was desperately struggling to cope with the unimaginable and most unwelcome crisis of the pandemic. She is a spiritual lady but the virus has shattered all the defense that created for herself to cope. Even after the pandemic situation has eased down, Charu has not been able to come out of the trauma. She locks herself with the child on the terrace of her house. Her family and friends are worried.

The family gives you a call. You have been Charu’s role model since the very beginning. In all her hardships, she has followed your path of advice. Even when she doesn’t ask for help it is expected of you to reach out to her.

(a) What will the basis of your line of explanation be to her?

(b) What can be the ways taken to take care of one’s mental and emotional well-being?



There can be many ways to start a case study. One of the ways that a candidate may choose is by putting forward general statement revolving around the issue. For example:


In a situation, such as mentioned in the case study, in which there may not be a significant threat, a person can still experience anxiety and apprehension about contracting COVID-19 again.

An illness-related anxiety can significantly impact the life of any individual. If a person’s quality of life and functionality are getting affected, seeking help at the earliest is important. The support of those who surround you is critical in such situations.

(a) What will the basis of your line of explanation be to her?

You may focus on three points.

1. Spirituality

2. Philosophy

3. Being a mother, her responsibilities

(You are is limited to immediately pacify, before a necessary mental help counselling.)

There is something about psychology and spirituality; where one ends, the other loops in, like an infinity band, dynamic, rotating swiftly showing you the meaning you choose to see. The union of a spiritual attitude and rational perception can be a very powerful tool in dealing with this crisis or any that comes our way.

Basis of explanationWhy
Be cautiousBut not anxious. What is the difference? Where anxiety paralyses us, caution prepares us and makes us functional. Treasure the former, as “thinking caution” is connected with functionality and helps us focus on achievable action.


To do something productive, to act and contribute is the ultimate therapy for a restless mind. Caution during a challenge is a strength. So act with caution. A watched pot never boils!

Be courageousStart with a deep breath in and a strong breath out that means business. Pull your shoulders back, chin up and eyes focussed on how to face the challenge in front of you.


Win or lose, you know this will be over soon and you will have given it a fair shot. Courage is not just being brave to fight, it also means having the humility to recognise my mistakes. To say I was wrong needs courage. To be hopeful and keep trying means courage. To make small changes and adapt needs courage. To make sacrifices needs courage.

Through the coronavirus pandemic, what nature is really asking of us, is to be courageous enough to change our ways, to respect resources and the gift of human kind and to stop taking it for granted.

Be consciousBeing conscious means being aware. Be quick to respond to the needs of the environment. Listen, adapt and adjust!


Being conscious in our thought, emotions and actions is a very difficult feat to achieve.

Being conscious also means listening. Truly listen to yourself and your loved ones around you.

Be rationalIt is so natural and normal for us to be taken over by despair during a crisis. A voice that chatters within us non-stop, talks “Doomsday” and the fight or flight response makes us anxious one moment, our hearts full of sorrow the next and angry the very next, taking us on an emotional roller coaster!


It’s a talk within us that just refuses to quieten down. Believe me, you are not the only one who struggles with this.

One of the ways to beat this is with rationality. The voices you have are yours and you can exercise control over these thoughts. You can ask if what I’m thinking is fact or fiction, is it an exaggeration, how can I really be sure of what I’m assuming, etc.

Have faithSee faith as a belief, a conviction, a devotion and a love for that which is stronger than us. That which resides in each one us, causes the crisis, sustains it, manages it, cures it, or makes us succumb to it.


That which is the only permanent companion of yours, in sickness or in health, in yesterday’s grey, today’s darkness and tomorrow’s sunshine is faith.


(b) What ways can be taken to take care of one’s mental and emotional well-being?

This is a general question that requires basic points in your answer. Such as,

(1) Build a good support system: Surround yourself with those who share accurate information, are calm and considerate in the ways in which they respond to your experiences.

(2) Actively relook at and reframe negative thoughts: It is important to move away from your tunnel vision where the focus is only on those aspects which confirm your beliefs.

(3) Try to ensure that the avoidance of feared situations is averted. Avoidance tends to increase anxiousness.

(4) Focus on maintaining routines and encourage yourself to engage in daily tasks and chores and steadily build on the same over time.

(5) Talk to experts to get the right information, gain an understanding of what is happening, actively work towards modifying your thoughts and beliefs and taking care of your well-being. Break down anxiety-provoking activities into smaller steps like stepping out into social spaces.


You may concluded by quoting something on ‘crisis management’ or why you need to act responsibly.


Suggestion1:  Do not miss to highlight that eventually a mental health counselor will be required

Suggestion 2:  You can have different methods, ways, and styles to answer a case study. 


01-Jul 2023