Mains Practice Question


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Examine Kamala Sohonie's research on Neera and its potential in addressing malnutrition among children from tribal communities in India. Discuss the significance of her findings and their implications for public health. (250 Words)
Start your answer by writing about Kamala Sohonie
Kamala Sohonie was a renowned Indian biochemist who conducted pioneering research on Neera, a traditional sap extracted from coconut palm inflorescence. Her research explored the nutritional composition of Neera and its potential in addressing malnutrition among children from tribal communities in India.
In the body of the answer write about Sohonie's research on Neera, discuss the significance of her findings, and highlight their implications for public health.

Kamala Sohonie's Research on Neera:

Kamala Sohonie's research focused on analyzing the nutritional content of Neera and understanding its potential as a dietary supplement. She conducted studies to determine the presence of essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in Neera. Sohonie's research provided valuable insights into the nutritional profile of Neera and its potential as a locally available and sustainable resource for addressing malnutrition.

Significance of Findings:

Sohonie's findings regarding Neera have significant implications for addressing malnutrition, particularly among children from tribal communities in India. Malnutrition is a persistent issue in these communities due to limited access to diverse and nutritious food sources. Neera, being a natural product rich in essential nutrients, can serve as a valuable supplement to combat nutritional deficiencies.

Implications for Public Health:

The findings of Sohonie's research have broader implications for public health in India. By exploring and promoting indigenous food sources like Neera, public health initiatives can focus on sustainable and culturally appropriate solutions to address malnutrition. Integrating Neera into government nutrition programs, school meal schemes, and community-based interventions can contribute to better health outcomes and improved nutritional status among vulnerable populations.


Conclude the answer in a short and crisp as per the demand of the question

Kamala Sohonie's research on Neera and its potential in addressing malnutrition among children from tribal communities in India has significant implications for public health. Her findings shed light on the nutritional composition of Neera and its viability as a dietary supplement. By incorporating Neera into interventions aimed at combating malnutrition, public health efforts can promote sustainable and culturally appropriate solutions to improve the nutritional status and well-being of vulnerable populations. 

19-Jun 2023