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"Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes"

The Immutable Power of Facts: Resisting Subjectivity and Embracing Objective Reality


Jawaharlal Nehru's quote, "Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes," encapsulates the profound significance of acknowledging objective truths regardless of personal preferences or biases. In a world often shaped by subjective opinions, emotional attachments, and cognitive biases, this quote serves as a reminder of the enduring nature of facts. This essay delves into the implications and relevance of Nehru's quote, highlighting the importance of distinguishing facts from personal beliefs, the role of evidence-based reasoning, and the pursuit of objectivity.

The Power of Facts: 

Facts provide a solid foundation for knowledge because they are reliable and can be tested and corroborated by multiple sources. They serve as the building blocks of scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and rational decision-making. When we rely on facts, we can make informed judgments, formulate accurate explanations, and develop effective solutions to complex problems.

The power of facts lies in their ability to transcend personal opinions and biases. While opinions can vary from person to person, facts provide a common ground for discussion and debate. They help us establish a shared understanding of reality and facilitate constructive dialogue. By grounding our arguments in factual information, we can foster intellectual honesty and strengthen the quality of our discourse.

Furthermore, facts serve as a check against misinformation and falsehoods. In an era where misinformation spreads rapidly through social media and other platforms, the reliance on verifiable facts becomes even more crucial. Facts help us distinguish between reliable information and baseless claims, enabling us to make informed choices and avoid being misled.

Challenging Confirmation Bias: Overcoming Personal Preferences

Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias that influences our perceptions and decision-making processes by favoring information that confirms our preexisting beliefs or preferences. It is a natural human tendency, but it can hinder our ability to critically evaluate information and inhibit intellectual growth. Challenging confirmation bias is essential for overcoming personal preferences and promoting a more objective and open-minded approach to knowledge.

One way to overcome confirmation bias is by actively seeking out diverse perspectives and contradictory evidence. By exposing ourselves to a range of opinions and information, we can broaden our understanding and challenge our preconceived notions. This can be done through reading articles or books from different viewpoints, engaging in respectful debates with others, or participating in diverse communities or forums.

Another effective strategy is developing critical thinking skills. This involves questioning our own assumptions, evaluating the reliability and credibility of sources, and examining the evidence supporting different perspectives. Critical thinking allows us to approach information with a more discerning mindset and helps us overcome the tendency to selectively accept information that aligns with our preferences.

Being aware of our own biases is also crucial. Recognizing that we all have inherent biases and acknowledging their potential impact on our thinking can help us become more self-reflective and open to alternative viewpoints. Actively reflecting on our own thoughts, emotions, and motivations can help us identify when confirmation bias may be influencing our judgments.

Engaging in constructive dialogue with others who hold different opinions is another valuable approach. By actively listening and seeking to understand differing viewpoints, we can challenge our own assumptions and broaden our perspective. Respectful and empathetic conversations can foster mutual learning and provide opportunities for personal growth.

The Objective Lens: Striving for Rationality

Striving for rationality means recognizing and consciously working to mitigate the impact of personal biases on our thinking and decision-making processes. It involves valuing evidence, logic, and critical thinking over emotional attachment or personal preferences.

Approaching information objectively requires actively seeking out diverse perspectives and considering different viewpoints, even if they challenge our preexisting beliefs. It involves being open to new information and being willing to revise our opinions based on evidence.

Rationality also entails examining the quality and reliability of sources, evaluating the credibility of information, and being cautious of misinformation or unsupported claims. It means prioritizing verifiable facts and empirical evidence over anecdotes or unfounded assertions.

Furthermore, rationality encourages respectful and constructive discourse. It involves listening to others, engaging in thoughtful dialogue, and being open to changing our minds when presented with compelling arguments and evidence. It means focusing on the substance of an argument rather than personal attacks or emotional responses.

While complete objectivity may be elusive, striving for rationality allows us to make more informed and reasoned judgments. It helps us navigate complex issues, solve problems, and contribute to a society that values critical thinking and evidence-based decision-making.

Contextualizing Facts: Understanding Interpretation

Contextualizing facts means recognizing that they are influenced by the circumstances in which they are observed or presented. Facts do not exist in isolation but are embedded within a larger context that can shape their meaning and interpretation.

Different individuals or groups may interpret the same set of facts differently based on their perspectives, experiences, or cultural backgrounds. These interpretations may be influenced by personal biases, political ideologies, or social norms. However, it is important to note that subjective interpretations do not negate the objective reality of the facts themselves.

Understanding the contextual nature of facts requires a commitment to critical thinking and a willingness to consider multiple viewpoints. It involves examining the sources of information, evaluating the reliability of data, and analyzing the underlying assumptions and biases that may influence interpretations.

While interpretations may vary, there are often objective truths that can be derived from the facts themselves. By critically analyzing the evidence and seeking a deeper understanding of the underlying reality, we can approach a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the world.

The Role of Facts in Societal Progress

Facts play a crucial role in driving societal progress. They serve as a basis for evidence-based policies, scientific advancements, and informed decision-making. Nehru's quote underscores the importance of embracing facts to overcome personal biases and shape a more inclusive and enlightened society. By valuing facts over personal preferences, we can foster open dialogue, bridge ideological divides, and collectively address the complex challenges of our time.


Jawaharlal Nehru's quote, "Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes," reminds us of the unwavering nature of objective truths. By recognizing the power of facts and resisting the influence of personal biases, we can strive for a more rational and enlightened society. Embracing evidence-based reasoning, critical thinking, and open-mindedness allows us to transcend confirmation bias and engage in productive discussions based on shared understanding. The pursuit of objectivity is not an abandonment of personal preferences but rather a recognition of the enduring nature of facts and their essential role in shaping our collective knowledge. In an era where subjective opinions can hold sway, Nehru's quote serves as a beacon, reminding us to embrace facts as the foundation for progress and intellectual growth.
19-Jun 2023