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                         Click Chemistry

Source: The Hindu
A trio of chemists, Carolyn Bertozzi, Morten Meldal & Barry Sharpless  Noble Laureates for "Click Chemistry", in chemistry.
2.Click Chemistry:
  • The standard approach of chemists is to mimic nature by making new molecules, which is an art as it is a science.
  • In the early 20th century, finding nitrogen in a form usable by plants, was one of the discoveries scientists were striving hard to achieve.
  • German Chemist, Fritz Haber cracked the code for ammonia, which combined nitrogen & hydrogen that plants could synthesize for nitrogen and Carl Bosch figured out a way to produce it in massive amounts.
  • The Haber-Bosch process is still the dominant way of producing cheap fertilizer & is at the heart of industrialized agriculture.
  • This process is extremely energy intensive & polluting. The modern-day challenge is to produce so-called "Green Ammonia".
  • This principle extends to most synthetic chemicals where scientists try to create a natural substance which is different from the usual method & often circuitous, creating several unwanted toxic by-products.
  • To be able to create new pharmaceuticals, chemists ought to be moving away from trying to make natural molecules & creating new ones in simpler ways.
  • For instance, it was hard to coax carbon atoms-the building blocks of organic molecules, from different molecules to link to each other.
  • Instead, smaller molecules were taken, which already have a complete carbon frame & link them using bridges of nitrogen/oxygen atoms.
  • It may not be as elegantly constructed as the natural stuff but would be efficient, greener & useful.
  • This lego-block-like approach to making new molecules is the essence of click chemistry. The 'Click' is from an analogy drawn from seatbelts clicking snugly into buckles.
Click Chemistry is now used for making biomolecules that can track diseases & corresponding cell processes. Researchers have begun to make clickable antibodies to target a range of tumours.

  • For a chemical reaction to be called click chemistry, it has to occur in the presence of oxygen, and water which is a cheap & environmentally friendly solvent.
  • The copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition has become synonymous with click chemistry.
  • Azides & alkynes are different chemical groups that don't combine naturally but can do so in the presence of copper ions.
  • It was discovered that these two had combined to form a third kind of chemical structure called Triazole which is a stable structure found in certain drugs & agricultural chemicals.
  • Earlier attempts to make triazoles were inefficient & created undesirable by-products but copper changed the situation.
  • Manufacturers can now add a clickable azide to plastic or fibre & modify it to be able to conduct electricity or make them waterproof by adding an alkyne.
3.Bertozzi's Contribution:
  • Click chemistry as envisaged by Meldal & Sharpless applies to the non-living world.
  • Bertozzi began investigating glycans, which are complex carbohydrates that play an important role in many biological processes like when the immune system is activated.
  • Bertozzi wanted to study a particular kind of glycan that attached itself to the lymph nodes but the problem was tracking its presence in the body.
  • An alternate way using an azide was found, by attaching a fluorescent molecule onto sialic acid, a constituent of glycans.
  • Since copper is toxic to cells, Bertozzi used click chemistry to make a product that avoided it, paving the way for making biomolecules that can be used to track diseases & corresponding cell processes.
Researchers have now begun to make clickable antibodies to target a range of tumours. Once the antibodies attach to the tumour, a second molecule that clicks to the antibody is injected which can monitor its growth or deliver a dose of radiation.

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